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Middle School Knight Samarth Mangal Wins 2025 Young Voices Contest Grand Prize

Congratulations to Middle School Knight Samarth Mangal on winning the 2025 Young Voices Contest Grand Prize!

This year's contest invited middle school students from the Phoenixville area to respond to the prompt:
“How does dance show the importance of your culture, connect with other cultures, and help people learn from each other?”

Samarth’s essay beautifully shares how dance is a meaningful part of his culture, how it helps him connect with others and his roots, and how sharing his traditions has built stronger bonds with his peers.

On February 26, 2024, Samarth was awarded the grand prize by Theresa Thornton, President of the Black Lights Project, surrounded by his family, teachers, and classmates.

We are proud to honor Samarth Mangal for this incredible achievement and his inspiring reflection on the power of dance!

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