Fundraising Opportunities
2023-2024 Fundraising Opportunities
The following fundraising opportunities will be available throughout the 2023-2024 school year. All are welcome to participate throughout the year!
Renaissance Academy Student Athlete Scholarship in Memory of Alyssa Alhadeff
Purpose:This scholarship is intended to acknowledge the graduating senior students who have demonstrated the values of academic challenge and athletic honor while being a model to others in their high school community.
**Donation to this Scholarship is Open to the Community**
Donate online to the RA Athletics Scholarship
Scholarship Background
Along with a world class education, Renaissance Academy provides students with the opportunity to excel as athletes of good character. This Scholarship is created in Honor of Alyssa Alhadeff, a victim to the Parkland High School Shooting in February 2018. Alyssa, and her classmates had dreams and goals for their futures. They were robbed of the opportunity to live out those dreams. While those young scholars are no longer able to pursue their academic and athletic goals, it is the hope of the RA Athletic Department, that our student-athletes will be able to carry out their goals in their honor.
Alyssa's Law
This horrific event spurred the creation of "Alyssa's Law". This legislation addresses the issue of law enforcement response time, calling for the installation of silent panic alarms that are directly linked to law enforcement, The bill to enact this law has been introduced into the US Congress, however, the governors of New Jersey and Florida have already passed Alyssa's Law at the state level with more states likely to follow.
This scholarship is open to any currently enrolled 12th grade Renaissance Academy student who has actively played on an athletic team at the school.
They must be a:
- Senior in good academic standing,
- Regarded as a leader among peers,
- Eligible to graduate with their class during the current year
- Exemplify the Core Values of Renaissance Academy: Wisdom, Justice, Courage, Compassion, Hope, Respect, Responsibility and, Integrity.
- Embody the qualities of Alyssa Alhadeff; spirited and collaborative, inspiring their teammates to work together as a positive force on the field, be of exemplary moral character, a young person to whom everyone looks and someone who loves learning and seeks academic challenge.
Selection of participants
Each sports team will collectively nominate a current senior at the conclusion of each season during the school year. The high school student body will vote among those nominated. Voting will be done electronically by blind survey, to be coordinated by the Athletic Director.The two seniors with the greatest peer support will share the award and the scholarship.
Scholarship Amount
The scholarship amount will be based upon yearly contributions to the fund and interest earned.
Administration of the scholarship
The scholarship fund will be administered by Renaissance Academy Business Office. Each year, during each sports season the opportunity to contribute to the scholarship fund will be made available to the school and wider community. Funds received will be given to the Business Administrator or CEO by the donor to be placed into a dedicated interest-bearing account. The check to the recipient will be issued by the Business Administrator or CEO. If any additional money is contributed to this account (i.e. independent donors) in the future, it will be at the discretion of the Business Administrator or CEO to determine adjustment of award or addition of multiple recipients who may qualify. Hopefully, in future years, others will wish to contribute to this scholarship and the determination of the award will be determined by the Business Administrator or CEO.
The winner of the scholarship will be announced at the yearly commencement ceremony. The scholarship recipient's name, short biography, and photograph will be provided to the Alhadeff family each year.
Walk the Walk! House Team Scholarships
Donate to the Walk the Walk House Team Scholarship
Established. 2020
Eligible seniors will write an essay explaining how they have, over time, “walked the walk” exemplifying their House motto, and reflect on the impact this has had on themselves and their community. One senior per House team can be selected each year for this $200 scholarship. Seniors who are on track to graduate and have been a student at RA for at least 3 complete academic years are eligible. Being an active participant in House events is a plus.
Student submission due date is 11:59pm May 10th and the awards/scholarships will be presented during the Senior Commencement Ceremony.
House Team Mottos:
- Hope-Stephens: The path to success is paved with hard work and academic excellence.
- Kaplan-Finkenaur: Hope gives one a vision of success; character brings it to fruition.
- McGunnigle-Petrecca: Be strong enough to stand alone but wise enough to know when to stand together.
- Barr-Bergstrom: Strive to provide and all will thrive.
Funds will be awarded directly to the student recipients in the form of a check. If no one applies from any one House, or if no applicants are able to substantially demonstrate that they have, over time, “walked the walk” of their House motto, no scholarship will be awarded that year and the money will remain in the fund for subsequent years.
If you have questions regarding this scholarship, please contact Tracey Behrens O’Brien at
For the Love of Dance Scholarship in Memory of Alumni,
Marissa Sautner, RA Class of 2016
Donate to the For the Love of Dance Scholarship
Established 2020
Eligible seniors will write an essay explaining how they have embodied a ‘Love of Dance’ during their time as a student at Renaissance Academy. One senior will be selected each year for this scholarship award. Seniors who are on track to graduate and have been a student at RA for at least one complete academic year and have been involved in the RA Dance Department are eligible.
The essay, due 11:59pm on May 10th, will describe how dance at RA enhanced their experience and overall growth as a student; how the opportunity to take dance during your academic career has led to your personal development; and/or how aspects of the RA dance program will help them in the next stage of their education /path after high school. Each essay will be assigned a number and the submissions from each team will be read “blind” by a panel that could contain RA staff, administration, founders, and community members.
The scholarships will be presented during the Senior Commencement Ceremony.
Scholarship Amount: 75% donated funds yearly. The remaining funds will stay in the scholarship investment account for future scholarship growth.
If you have questions regarding this scholarship, please contact Tracey Behrens O’Brien at
Give Back to RA Scholarship Award
Donate to thr Give Back to RA Scholarship
This scholarship is intended to acknowledge the student who has magnanimously volunteered their time and energy for the benefit of Renaissance Academy (RA) during their 9th -12th grade high school years. The scholarship is also designed to encourage further contributions of time, energy, and financial resources to RA post high school years so that others may witness the benefits of giving back to an institution that has provided a world class education, positive social interactions, a warm and caring environment, and unlimited opportunities for growth.
Background of Scholarship:
Along with a world class education, Renaissance Academy has provided many opportunities for students to volunteer through sports, student government, fine arts, and other various clubs and organizations. Each of these organizations has provided students an opportunity to give back to RA through service. Colleges and universities are always seeking individuals who meet their GPA requirements, but also those who are service minded students. RA provides opportunities for students to serve . The intent of this scholarship is to thank an individual for their time and talent but to also generate a culture of giving back to the institution post high school that provided opportunities academically, educationally, and socially. It is a hope, of the donor, that as more students graduate from RA they will seek ways to give back to the school that has provided so much to them.
This scholarship is open to any currently enrolled 12th grade Renaissance Academy student who was enrolled in RA any time during their 9th grade year and remained enrolled until the ending of their 12th grade year.
The student must have:
- A GPA of at least 2.5 or greater
- Be accepted to and is committed to attending a 4 year college/university
- Volunteered for at least 4 activities during their 9th -12th grade years at RA.
- Volunteer activities may include but are not limited to student government, fine arts clubs, sports teams, and any other volunteer activities that benefit the growth of RA. Senior projects may not be included in the volunteer activities.
- Note: Any student who is receiving a Renaissance Academy School Board monetary scholarship for graduation award is ineligible for this award.
Eligibility Requirements:
All RA students who meet the above qualifications will submit an essay listing their RA volunteer activities, their reasons for volunteering for these activities, and what they have learned through volunteering. The essay must also include a section that focuses on how they plan to give back to Renaissance Academy after graduation. Application deadline is 11:59 pm on May 10th, 2024.
Selection of Participants:
The essay and staff signed volunteer activity list will be due at the same time. All students who apply for this scholarship will have their essay read by a panel of 3 staff members. These 3 staff members will reduce the number of essays to 3. These 3 essays will be given to two members of administration, who will make the final determination.
Administration of the Scholarship:
The scholarship fund will be administered by Renaissance Academy Business Office. Each year, $500 will be given to the Business Administrator or CEO by an anonymous donor and placed into a dedicated account. If any additional money is contributed to this account (i.e. independent donors) in the future, it will be at the discretion of the Business Administrator or CEO to determine adjustment of award or addition of multiple recipients who may qualify.
If you have questions regarding this scholarship, please contact Tracey Behrens O’Brien at
The Power of Service Scholarship
This scholarship pays tribute to Mrs. Claire Powers, Renaissance Academy’s first Senior Project Coordinator. One of the tenets with which she guided students was “Great oaks from little acorns grow.” In other words, small efforts can build to significant outcomes in time. Mrs. Powers’ dedication to serving the community is a legacy of lasting, intentional impact and this scholarship is intended to honor a senior who embodies this legacy.
One senior can be selected each year for this $TBD scholarship. Seniors who are on track to graduate and have been a student at RA for at least 3 complete academic years are eligible. Having a perpetual plan in place for the service project to continue is a plus.
Eligible seniors may submit a typed essay, no longer than 650 words, using 12 pt Times New Roman font and be double-spaced with 1" margins. Essays should be emailed as a pdf attachment to Mrs. Behrens O’Brien. Each essay will be assigned a number and the submissions from each team will be read “blind” by a panel that could contain administration, the senior project coordinator, and community members. (Applicants should be sure to review the attached rubric before writing an essay
In an essay, explain how you have taken your service project beyond the minimum requirement and reflect on the lasting, intentional impact this has had on yourself and your community.
Funds will be awarded directly to the student recipients in the form of a check. If no one applies or if no applicants are able to substantially demonstrate that they have met the criteria no scholarship will be awarded that year and the money will remain in the fund for subsequent years. This scholarship has been funded by proceeds from the Stall Day fundraising and individual donations. If you are interested in donating to this scholarship, please contact Tracey Behrens O’Brien at
The Academic Decathlon team is selling Wawa Hoagie Coupons. Wawa Hoagie Coupons make a great gift for the end of the year teacher gifts.
Proceeds from this sale benefit the Academic Decathlon with costs associated with their competitions, on both the local and national levels.
Coupons are $4 (good for one Shortie Hoagie valued at $4.59).
Click Here to Purchase Coupons
The club will be mailing out coupons to the address of the Paypal you used to place your order or the coupons can be sent home with your student.
Please contact Christian Klemp, Academic Decathlon adviser, at with any questions or to have orders be sent home with your student.
Join us in this effort! RXfundraising and Rite Aid are willing to give us back a portion of the dollars spent on prescriptions filled at Rite Aid and other qualified in-store purchases. Use the linke below to register and support our school.
Please click on this link and help support our students.
RA is pleased to partake in the Redner's Market Safe-A-Tape Program
Participation in this program is simple:
- Stop at the Redner’s store office or Customer Service area to get a Save-A-Tape card. (By using this card each time you purchase merchandise at Redner’s Warehouse Markets, your receipt will be designated as a Save-A-Tape customer receipt.)
- Save your receipts and send them into to RA, “Attention Stephanie Funston”
That’s it! We take it from there and Redner's will give RA 1% of the receipt amount from Save-A-Tape Card purchases
Please email

WEIS 4 School Program
Our school is partnering with Weis Markets in the Weis 4 School program. By participating in this program, we can earn money for our school simply by shopping as we all do every day.
When you shop at Weis, scan the barcode below to register your Weis Club Card. Once you register, you're in the program and you do not need to register again.
*Please share this barcode with your friends and relatives so they can earn points for our school too! Printable RA Weis 4 School QR Code

2024-2025 Fundraising Opportunties
Nutcracker Linvilla Orchard Thanksgiving Pie Sale
With the Thanksgiving holiday now is a great time to order pies for your family, friends, and holiday guests. Linvilla Orchards has been baking pies with the finest quality ingredients for over 45 years. Pies are baked on-site and will come to you ready to serve (not frozen).
The cost for these exceptional pies is $20.00 each. Proceeds from this sale benefit the Renaissance Academy’s Annual Performance of the Nutcracker.
ORDER PIES HERE - Click on Donate & Tickets to Order Pies
Check your email for a precise pick-up location!
Questions? Please contact Denise Kozuch Harakal at
Order a few pies for the family for the upcoming holiday while supporting our school's and the world's time-honored holiday tradition of the Nutcracker.
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