Family School Organization

Renaissance Academy Family School Organization - Where Education and Family Come Together
Next Meeting
- 1st Tuesday of the month starting at 8:30 pm September-May
- Meetings are held virtually via Google meet. Joining info:
- Video call link: FSO Meeting Link
- Meeting links, information, and updates can also be found on the RA FSO Facebook Page and the RA calendar.
FSO News
- Visit the RA FSO Facebook Page for ongoing FSO updates.
FSO Officers
- Co President: Erika Sprigg & Carolyn Johnson
- Vice President: Heather Ervin
- Secretary: LaTonya Taphorn
- Treasurer: Beth Bilinski
- FSO Facebook Moderators: FSO Board
If interested in volunteering with the FSO, opportunities can always be found when signing up for events on CheddarUp. If you are interested in joining the board or chairing a committee, please email regarding your interest.
Funding Request
Please complete this form if you are requesting funding from Renaissance Academy Family School Organization for a school department, classroom supplies/equipment, after-school activity, or other form of support or engagement for Renaissance students.
Contact the FSO:
- Please email
Support the FSO
Box Tops
Download the Box Tops app and use the referral code “EQBQ3KYP”
FSO Events
- September 15th – Family BINGO (6:30-8pm)
- September 29th – Dunk Tank @ Food Truck Night (5-7:30pm)
- October 5th – SLC Shirt Sale (8-2pm) & Spirit Night at Urban Air (4-8pm)
- December 9th – Winter Carnival (10am-1pm)
- January 11th – SLC Spirit Day @ TBD
- February 14th – Compassion Day Smencil Grams
- February 18th – K-8 Skate Parties @ Ringing Rock Roller Rink
- K-4th @ 5-7:00pm / 5th-8th 7:30-9:30pm
- March 15th – Family BINGO (6:30-8pm)
- April 11th – SLC Spirit Night @ TBD
- April 13th – K-4 Royal Ball Raffles (6-8pm)
- April 17th – Shirt Sale & Ice Cream Social (6-8pm)
- May 24th – Box Tops grade level winner pulled!
Uniform Sales
The FSO takes donations of K-8 uniform shirts that are in good condition. Donations can be dropped off in the vestibule or sent in with your student at any time.
Throughout the year the FSO holds gently used shirt sales. These are our biggest fundraisers and only made possible by your donations!
Magnets are sold at all FSO sponsored events or can be ordered for homebase delivery by visiting: RA FSO Sign up & Purchase Website
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