Volunteer Opportunities

Welcome to our school volunteering website, where a world of opportunities awaits you to make a meaningful impact in your community! We believe that volunteering is not only a powerful way to give back but also an incredible opportunity to beocme apart of Renaissance Academy's wonderful culutre. If you are a parent or guardian eager to contribute to your child's educational journey, or a community member seeking to make a difference, our platform offers a diverse range of volunteer opportunities that align with your interests and passions. Join us on this transformative journey as we foster a culture of compassion, collaboration, and service, empowering individuals to create a brighter future together. Together, let's embrace the power of volunteering and create lasting change in our schools and beyond!
Many opportunities are available within Renaissance Academy Volunteer Program! Your efforts are greatly appreciated by our students and staff!!
Questions About Volunteering or Background Clearances:
- Email Volunteering@rak12.org
Background Clearance Checks
The below Clearances are mandatory per Pennsylvania law and can be filed online. It has been recommended by the state you file Online for clearances. If you have not been a resident of PA for ten years you will need to file for the PA fingerprinting clearance.
Please submit hard copies of the clearances and forms provided below for our Volunteer Records. Please note that your clearance will remain valid for three years from the date of processing.
Renaissance Academy Chaperon Expectation Form
Act 31: PA State Background Check
Act 151: Child Abuse Certification (Clearance)
Act 114 - FBI Criminal Clearance Report*
(Volunteer Service Code: 1KG6ZJ )
*A Limited Contact volunteer shall submit the FBI Criminal Clearance Report (fingerprinting) or, if the volunteer has been a resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the entirety of the previous 10 years, they must complete the Residency Disclosure Statement which is an exemption from Act 114.
Residency Disclosure Statement (pdf)
How do you distinguish between a visitor and a volunteer?
Visitor: A visitor is an individual who is attending and/or observing an event or activity without providing a service to the students. Visitors do not need to obtain the above clearances but will still be required to present a valid driver’s license or government-issued photo identification to the main office. This ID is scanned into the Raptor/V-Soft System and is cross-referenced with the database maintained by Raptor Technologies of sexual offenders throughout the United States.
Examples: Back-to-School Nights, Parent/Teacher conferences, school assemblies, American Education Week, school festivals, evening events, holiday concerts, etc.
Volunteer: A Volunteer is a person who has direct contact with or supervises students while at the Renaissance Academy or during a school sponsored activity on or off site.
Examples: Field Trip Chaperones, WATCH D.O.G.S, Club Advisers, Volunteer Coaches, Student Teachers, and Activity Chaperones,
Interested in joining a Committee?
Safety Committee - Have an interest with Safety at Renaissance Academy? Please help us organize and set objectives for this newly formed committee.
Hospitality/Social Committee - Come greet perspective parents and students and share your RA experience! Help with set up of snack foods and drinks. Open Houses are 9-11am and 6-8pm.
Fine Arts Committee - Forming groups of volunteers who can assist with bulletin boards and some take home projects for volunteers who wish to do work from home.
PBIS Parent Committee - Working together with RA staff to plan PBIS rewards for the students.
Ongoing Needs
Teachers Helpers - Lower School and Upper School Teachers need help with copying, laminating, and general help. Training on equipment will be provided and assistance will be given if needed. This is perfect for those who want to help only occasionally giving a half an hour to an hour.
Event Planners/Volunteers - Help plan and organize events such as Nutcracker, Royal Ball, Designer Bag Bingo, Post Prom, etc.
Library Helpers - Library volunteers are needed for various library tasks. Days available are Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, anytime between 8:30am to 3:30pm.
FSO - Family School Organization - All parents and parent volunteers are members of this organization. Please consider joining in on many of the activities they plan for our children at RA. Your involvement will make RA a better place for the children and staff. (Go to FSO Page)
If you would like to help with any of the above volunteering needs or if you would like to find out about other school volunteering opportunities please email Volunteering@rak12.org .
Volunteer Policy
Please read the volunteer policy prior to signing up for volunteer opportunties.
PA House of Representatives Honor Parent and Family Involvement
The PA House passed HR 474 which honors parent and family involvement. View HR 474 Online.
From the Volunteer Office:
Research says that the single most accurate predictor of a student’s achievement in school is NOT income or social status, but the extent to which the student’s family is involved.
Please consider volunteering! Many Opportunities are available!
- District Volunteer Application (English)
- Volunteer Portal - Sign into your account if you have completed the application.
- Aplicación de Voluntario del Distrito (Español)
Please email Volunteering@rak12.org for more information on volunteering,
Family Friendly Website Addresses:
- Familyfriendlyschools.com
- Fathers.org
- Parenting.org
- Firstday.org
- PTOToday.com
- Greatschools.net
- Familyeducation.com
The Knight Watch Volunteer Group
About the Knight Watch Volunteer Group:
Knight Watch is a new program to Renaissance Academy. Knight Watch objectives include:
- To build a positive school culture and climate which includes school personnel, students, and guardians.
- To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school safety and reduce unwanted student behaviors.
Who can join Knight Watch?
Any person in the life of RA students who can commit to a regular volunteer schedule. KW volunteers are approved helpers who, after going through appropriate background clearances and training, receive a tee shirt which they wear when visiting the school to identify themselves as a member of this valuable team.
- Questions: Contactt Volunteering@rak12.org.
Program Overview:
Volunteers will be...
- Trained in using our Responsibility Center Discipline approach to facilitate conversations with students.
- Trained in the Love and Logic approach to interacting with students.
- Trained in using our PBIS reward system.
- Given locations to monitor throughout their time on campus.
- Given a Knight Watch shirt for security and recognition.
Activities May Include (not an exhaustive list):
- Volunteers Monitor in the hallways & cafeteria
- Greet students entering/exiting the building
- Recognize students during the day for positive behaviors
- Let a member of the administration know if you see / or hear of behaviors of concern
- Working along with staff to supervise arrival and dismissal
Activities Will Not Include (not an exhaustive list):
- Discipling students
- Reporting school events or occurrences outside of the school
- Help in classrooms
- Providing academic support
- Covering / subbing for a staff member
Volunteer Responsibilities to be in the program:
- Must provide required clearances, and adhere to all health and safety protocols.
- Must complete all required trainings assigned by school personnel
- Must act as Mandated Reporter
contact Volunteering@rak12.org for more information.
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