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All PA school districts are required to enforce attendance requirements as detailed in the PA School Code. Renaissance Academy supports the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s (PDE) commitment to improving school attendance rates.

In order for students to realize the opportunities and benefits from school, students have to not only be in attendance, but they must also be meaningfully connected to the school and experiencing success. To achieve this, the Renaissance Academy works in collaboration with students, families, school districts and community resources to address the issues that result in truant behavior. Every effort is made to keep youth in school and reduce the school district’s referrals to the courts, child welfare, or juvenile justice systems.

In order to effectively eliminate truant behavior, we call on parents/guardians to ensure that students attend school each day.

Students are expected to be in class at 8:00 A.M. and ready to learn every day. Any student arriving after 8:00 A.M. must sign in at the main office.

Please view the Board Attendance Policy in regards to each of the following topics.

Upcoming Events

March 24


All Day Event

March 24
March 24

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