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Senior Projects Unleashed: Renaissance Class of 2024!

On September 29, 2023, the RA Senior Class of 2024 impressed audiences with the unveiling of their Senior Commencement Projects. This annual event, eagerly anticipated by staff, students, and families alike, showcases the incredible dedication and innovation of our senior Knights.

At Renaissance, Senior Projects have become a tradition that allows students to utilize their interests and talents to give back and make a difference. Students can take something they want to change and see a plan through to its very end. Throughout this process, students learn to plan, organize, communicate, and present their final project in a professional manner. Seniors have the opportunity to use their senior projects for various purposes, such as writing college essays, establishing lasting relationships, enhancing their resumes, and leaving a lasting legacy at our school or in their communities. Furthermore, upon completing the project, seniors not only gain valuable community service experience but also fulfill a graduation requirement.

From the moment they step into high school until their senior year, our students meticulously document their efforts, culminating in a spectacular presentation to the RA community. This presentation highlights their accomplishments and outlines their connection to their project, their plan of action, and their strategies for sustaining the positive changes they've initiated. Students also reflect on the personal transformations they've undergone.

Year after year, senior projects become more imaginative and detailed, reflecting the passion, commitment, and pride that our Senior Knights pour into their work. We invite you to witness the opening moments of these inspiring presentations by following the link provided below.

The entire Renaissance community takes great pride in the achievements of our 2024 Seniors and eagerly awaits to see the heights to which they will carry their passion projects. Exciting times are ahead!

2024 Senior Knights Commencement Project Slideshow

 The Renaissance Academy Senior Commencement Project Website


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