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Welcoming the 2023 'Freshman' Staff!

As Renaissance Academy continues to grow and evolve, our dedicated staff is also growing right along with it! This year we are welcoming 22 new staff members into our vibrant community. We can’t wait for you to meet our new teaching staff. From new Cafeteria staff to a new dean of students, Our latest recruits embody Renaissance's core values and code of conduct. They are poised to uphold the school's mission as they embark on their first year at Renaissance Academy.

Embedded in our principles are our core values, including compassion, responsibility, and wisdom. As a community, it remains our collective duty to impart the wisdom of our school's culture and students to these newcomers. We approach this responsibility compassionately, affording our fresh staff the space they need to thrive, adapt, and flourish in our dynamic environment.

Renaissance Academy welcomes our new team, and we extend the invitation to provide a Welcome or some kind words to our newest staff members! 


Introducing Our Newest Staff! 

  • Jessica Adams - High School Special Education Teacher
  • Autumn Andrzejewski - Building Subsitute 
  • Kimberly Arp - Middle School Math Teacher 
  • Anna Chan - High School Math Teacher
  • Christine Badger - Elementary School ELA Teacher 
  • Patrick Badger - Middle School Social Studies  Teacher 
  • Emma Cole - Elementary School ELA  Teacher
  • Tyler Coradi - Middle School Math  Teacher
  • Lisa Farrell - Middle School ELA Teacher 
  • Molly Freed -  Elementary Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (S.T.E.A.M) Teacher 
  • Zaira Garcia Sosa - World Language Teacher 
  • Leslie Hostman - Staff Nurse
  • Curtis James - High School Math Teacher
  • Jon Kandrick - High School Dean of Students
  • Emily Keefe Fisher - Elementary School Teacher
  • Emily Koerbel - Elementary School Teacher 
  • Gina Loscalza - Cafeteria Aide & Support Staff
  • Angel Luna Rivera - World Language Teacher
  • Philip Repko - LTS ELA & Building Substitute
  • Cheryl Rice - Elementary School ( Kindergarten- 2nd Grade) Math Tutor
  • Grace Sheetz - Middle School Social Studies Teacher
  • Anthony Pileggi - Middle School & High School Physical Education Teacher

Upcoming Events

February 8

Soccer Shots

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

February 8

Princenton Review

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

February 8

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