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Another Successful Renaissance Academy Enrollment Lottery

The 2023-2024 School Lottery was recently held at Renaissance Academy Charter School 
This year’s application was open to the public on September 26, 2022, and closed on December 16, 2022.
All applicants who completed the application process by the deadline were issued a lottery number.  Enrollment numbers were then finalized per grade level and a blind lottery was performed during the last week of January. The lottery ensures complete enrollment as well as an established waiting list for each school year.
143 anxious and hopeful families gathered to become a part of the Renaissance Academy family for the 2023-2024 school year. The lottery, held virtually, was available for public viewing, and lottery applicants who completed the application process were invited through a letter. 
131 and counting future Knights were enrolled into Renaissance Academy for the 2023-2024 School Year,  leaving many families fulfilled with being able to exercise their right of school choice. 
“Our annual enrollment lottery allows families to exercise school choice.  As we welcome our newest RA Knights, we continue the tradition of inclusive, diverse, world-class education for all students, no matter what your zip code happens to be.” (Kristy Grace, Enrollment Coordinator).
The application window  2024-2025 school year will open in September 2023, with a deadline for submitted applications of December 9. The 2024-2025 School Year Lottery will take place in January 2024.
Renaissance Academy looks forward to hosting another successful lottery ushering in future Knights!

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