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Medication at School

In accordance with school policy, medication(s) should be given at home before and/or after school. However, when this is not possible, prior to receiving the medication at school, each student must provide the school nurse with a Medication Administration Consent form signed by the student's parent/guardian and a Medication Order from a licensed prescriber. All medications must be in their original prescription bottle/container from a pharmacy.

Medication orders are required from a licensed prescriber for prescription and over-the-counter medicine, as well as herbal remedies.


  • Administration of Medication Form (please go to the allergies or asthma section for order form for inhalers)
  • All medication must be brought to school in its original labeled container by a parent/guardian.
  • All medication must be left in school, it may not be sent home every night

The order from the physician must include:

    1.  Student's name
    2.  Name, signature and phone number of the licensed prescriber
    3.  Name of medication
    4.  Route and dosage of medication
    5.  Frequency and time of medication administration. 
    6.  Date of the order and discontinuation date.
    7.  Specific directions for administration.

Pennsylvania State guidelines for medications in school state: 

No medication, even non-prescription medication, may be brought to school and taken by students without written permission from the licensed prescriber and parent/guardian, and it must be supervised by the nurse. A new prescription is required for medicine taken on a long-term basis EVERY school year. Physician's orders do not carry over from one school year to the next.

Changes to  Medication during the school year:

  • A newly written medication order may be received for any one of the following reasons:
    • Change to medication dosage, change to frequency or scheduled time of administration or both.
    • A HOLD medication order - to hold a medication for a specified amount of time.
    • A discontinuance of medication order. (parent must pick up any unused medication from school)

Medications available at school with parental permission: 

Students may receive the following over the counter medications as needed if permission has been granted by the parent on the Health Information form completed at the beginning of the school year, in accordance with our standing orders from the school physician:  Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Chloraseptic lozenge/throat spray, Tums, and Benadryl - generic medications may be substituted.  (Ibuprofen is limited to 2 doses weekly without written physician permission)
***For life threatening allergic reactions injectable Adrenaline (Epi-Pen) will be administered***

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