House Team System
The House System creates a safe opportunity for healthy competition, promotes school events and bridges grades K-12. It is based around the idea of inclusion, teamwork, and creating a unique experience for our students.
Students are placed into a House upon enrollment at RA and remain in that House through graduation. The Houses are named after our school’s founders: Hope-Stephens, Barr-Bergstrom, Kaplan-Finkenaur, and McGunnigle-Petrecca.
Throughout the year, students can participate in house events in order to earn points. Points are accumulated to produce an overall winning House, who receives the House Cup.
2023-2024 House Cup Winner!

2024-2025 Heads of House

Hope-Stephens House
- 3rd: Alexander Yang
- 4th: Payton Scott
- 7th: Brynce Didio
- 8th: Brianna Chestnet
- 11th: Brya Donoghue
- 11th: Sophia Marchionne
- 12th: Alana Aguilera
- 12th: Nico Villa

Kaplan-Finkenaur House
- 3rd: Raina Sarno
- 4th: Kanav Choudhary
- 7th: Terry Butachi
- 8th: Ezgi Inan
- 11th: Kierane McCain
- 11th: Sarah Sherry
- 12th: Danika Ghar
- 12th: Nadia Kasiewski

McGunnigle-Petrecca House
- 3rd: Trace Lane
- 4th: Michael Palladino
- 7th: Julia Scavella
- 8th: Lilliana McQuiller
- 11th: Alex Stockett
- 11th: Willow Wright
- 12th: Finn Alleborn
- 12th: Lydia Masier

Barr-Bergstrom House
- 3rd: Lilah Smith
- 4th: Zachary Banks
- 7th: Layla Ballard
- 8th: Samarth Mangal
- 11th: Pearlyn Sathish
- 11th: Graciela Trexler
- 12th: Neo Cromartie
- 12th: Sienna DeLeo
Knightly News - S05E02
Meet the Founders
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