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Demystifying PA Charter School Enrollment: How to Secure Your Child's Spot at Renaissance Academy

A kindergarten student enthusiastically participates in a music class, joyfully playing the claves, a rhythmic percussion instrument.


Choosing the right school for your child is a crucial decision. In Pennsylvania, charter schools offer unique educational opportunities, and Renaissance Academy shines as a leading public option. But how does enrollment work? This guide simplifies the process and prepares you for each step, leading to your child's seamless transition to RA.

Universal Eligibility:

Good news! PA charter schools prioritize accessibility. Any child residing in Pennsylvania qualifies for enrollment at Renaissance Academy, regardless of prior academic performance or special needs. Simply ensure your child meets the age requirement for their desired grade level.

Straightforward Application:

Applying to Renaissance Academy is easy and online. Fill out the form with basic student information, proof of residency, birth certificate, and the state-mandated home language survey. The application is always open throughout the year – no deadlines to stress about!

Fair and Transparent Admissions:

If applications exceed available spots, Renaissance Academy conducts a public, unbiased lottery witnessed by the Board of Trustees. Relax, knowing the process is completely random and ensures equal opportunity. If open spots remain, enrollment is immediate!

Acceptance and Confirmation:

Congratulations on your child's acceptance! Upon notification, submit additional documents like immunization records, recent report cards, and a Safe Schools Affidavit. Respond within the allotted timeframe to secure your child's place at RA.

Smoothly Entering the New School:

Within days, your child will be welcomed at Renaissance Academy. Their previous school district will promptly transfer records, enrollment verification, and potentially even transportation arrangements. Protected populations like homeless or migrant students receive priority and expedited enrollment to avoid any delays.

PDE Enrollment of Students

RACS Enrollment Policy 

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